Facelift specialist in Spain
If you want outstanding results
you need a specialist
Do you think it’s possible to achieve the highest level in facial lifting while simultaneously performing rhinoplasties, liposuction, abdominoplasty, and breast augmentation?
Only with someone who has sufficient experience can you expect to achieve the best results.
That’s why I offer you what I would want for myself: an experienced specialist.
Speaker at various courses and conferences, invited as the only national speaker on Deep Plane lifting at the III National Congress of the Spanish Society of Facial Plastic Surgery, alongside renowned surgeons such as Ben Talei, Mike Nayak, Neil Gordon, Alessandro Gualdi, Mario Pelle, and Lessandro Martins.
I know exactly what to do in order to provide you with a natural yet outsanding result.
Shall we talk?
My Work Philosophy
My passion for facial aesthetic surgery was born in 2014, following two training rotations in France (Toulouse and Paris). After witnessing firsthand what seemed like magic, I decided to dedicate all my efforts to helping my patients look on the outside how they feel on the inside.
Since then, I work exclusively in the head and neck area, adopting a hyper-specialized approach with the goal of achieving excellence in facial rejuvenation.
During these years, I have specialized in facelift and necklift (particularly in “Deep Plane Lifting”) and its accompanying procedures, both surgical (blepharoplasty, lip-lift, buccal fat removal) and non-surgical (CO2 laser rejuvenation, neuromodulation with botulinum toxin, IPL).
While I continue to perform other less complex surgical procedures (otoplasty, lipofilling, cervical liposuction…), I firmly believe in hyperspecialization as the path to excellence. This is why I no longer perform procedures such as rhinoplasty, oncological surgery, or orthognathic surgery, as each of these fields is complex enough to deserve exclusive dedication.
Because just like you, when I want to achieve something, I put myself in the hands of a specialist.
- Academic Information
- Scientific Societies
- Scientific Publications
- Book chapters
- Languages
- About the Website
Academic Information
• Medical Degree (University of Barcelona)
• Specialist in Maxillofacial Surgery (Vall d’Hebron University Hospital)
• Master’s in Aesthetic and Anti-aging Medicine (Complutense University of Madrid)
• PhD in Surgery (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
Scientific Societies
• European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS)
• Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica Facial (SECPF)
• Sociedad Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial (SECOM)
• Societat Catalanobalear de Cirurgia Maxil·lofacial i Oral (SCBCOMF)
• Sección de Medicina Estética del Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Barcelona (COMB)
Scientific Publications
• Indications, reconstructive techniques, and results for total glossectomy. Mazarro A, de Pablo A, Puiggròs C, Velasco MM, Saez M, Pamias J, Bescós C. Head and Neck Surgery. 2016 Feb 2. doi: 10.1002/hed.24369.
• Abordaje preauricular transcigomático. Mogedas-Vegara A, Mazarro-Campos A, Masià-Gridilla J, Gutiérrez-Santamaria J, Malet-Hernández D. Revista Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial, 2015; 37(3): 169-173• Laparoscopic repair of a prostadrenalectomy left-sided diaphragmatic hernia complicated by chronic colon obstruction Vilallonga R, Caubet E, Gonzalez O, Neff KJ, Fort JM, Mazarro A, Armengol M. Surgical Endoscopy, May 2013, Volume 27, Issue 5, pp 1826-1828
• Postthyroidectomy Horner’s Syndrome. Vilallonga R, Fort JM, Mazarro A, Gonzalez O, Caubet E, Romero G, Armengol M. Case reports in medicine, 2012
• Implementación de un laboratorio de habilidades clínicas centralizado en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universitat de Barcelona. Cuatro años de experiencia. A. Mazarro, C. Gomar-Sancho, J. Palés-Argullós. Educación Médica [online], Diciembre 2009, vol 12 n.4, pp. 247-256
• Liposarcoma mediastínico gigante. A propósito de un caso. Mier JM, Molins L, Mazarro A, Sebastian E, Fibla JJ, Vidal G. Neumología y Cirugía de Tórax, 2008, vol 67(3), pp148-150
Book chapters
• Coordinador de la obra Cirugía Maxilofacial. 2ª Edición Barcelona. Ediciones Ergon. 2017
• Co-Autor del capítulo Conceptos generales en Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial. Raspall, G. Cirugía Maxilofacial. 2ª Edición Barcelona. Ediciones Ergon. 2017
• Co-Autor del capítulo Conceptos generales en Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial. Raspall, G. Cirugía Maxilofacial. 2ª Edición Barcelona. Ediciones Ergon. 2017
• Co-Autor del capítulo Deformidades congénitas del territorio Maxilofacial.. Raspall, G. Cirugía Maxilofacial. 2ª Edición Barcelona. Ediciones Ergon. 2017
• Co-Autor del capítulo Deformidades dentofaciales. Raspall, G. Cirugía Maxilofacial. 2ª Edición Barcelona. Ediciones Ergon. 2017
• Co-Autor del capítulo Enfermedades de la articulación temporomandibular. Raspall, G. Cirugía Maxilofacial. 2ª Edición Barcelona. Ediciones Ergon. 2017
• Co-Autor del capítulo Tumores del territorio maxilofacial. Raspall, G. Cirugía Maxilofacial. 2ª Edición Barcelona. Ediciones Ergon. 2017
• Co-Autor del capítulo Patología de las glándulas salivales. Raspall, G. Cirugía Maxilofacial. 2ª Edición Barcelona. Ediciones Ergon. 2017 -
• Castellano
• Catalán
• Inglés
• Francés
About the Website
On this website, Dr. Mazarro shares his experience and personal technique in various treatments. For more information, you can request an appointment at one of the clinics where the doctor works as a collaborator or contact directly through info@drmazarro.com.
Fill out the form or contact us via WhatsApp (+34 644 534 515) or email (info@drmazarro.com).
You can also book an appointment through the Doctoralia App.
Do you live far away or prefer an online consultation? Contact us and we’ll guide you through the process.
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TopDoctors recognizes Dr. Mazarro as one of the best Maxillofacial Surgery specialists in Catalonia.
Thank you!